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  • Writer's picturemady

A reminder from me to you...

Let's talk. First of all, world mental health day should be every day. But for today - to those who need to hear it...

Everyone around you is grieving. Everyone is struggling. Everyone wants to shut out the world and take a nap. Stop comparing yourself to those who have it better. They don't. Maybe misery loves company because it brings some comfort. You don't have to suffer in silence - because no matter what your brain tells you, you are not alone.

You're allowed to take a step back from school. From work. From friends. From life.

Go take a bath. Watch your favorite movie or TV show. Eat your favorite snack no matter how many carbs and sugars are in it - don't think about it. Take a drive, turn up the music and sing as loud as you can. Breathe for a minute. You're allowed to.

Pay attention to the people who make you forget about reality. Who are a part of your happiest memories. Focus on the things that make you feel good. DOGS. Dogs are human healers. Go find a dog to play with for a minute. (or cats if that's your thing)

Get rid of the things that put you down. You are not selfish for doing what is best for you.

You are allowed to talk. Talk about your feelings. Your stresses. Your frustrations. Talk about whatever matters to you, no matter how small or ridiculous they seem to you.

You're allowed to have a bad day. You're allowed to cry. Yell into a pillow. Take your mask off. And don't apologize for it. You're not a burden. Every part of you matters. You don't have to be 100% every single day. You're not broken.

Life and everything that comes with it doesn't fix itself over night. But tomorrow is a new day. The sun will rise. I promise. Don't give up hope.

Most people know mental health is an important part of my life. I am an open book about my anxiety and my past. This year, coming back from London was a huge adjustment that I was not mentally prepared for. I'm still not 100% me. And I'll admit, I struggle taking my own advice. And that's okay. I'm working on it.

Find the people you trust. The people you can talk to. That support you and bring you some peace and comfort.

Spread kindness. Listen to your friends and family. Don't put people down for doing something that makes them happy. Be there for each other because a smile on the outside doesn't always exist on the inside.

You are stronger than you think you are. You are enough.

Some quotes for thought:

"Don't let your struggle become your identity."

"Don't believe everything you think."

"You are the ONLY person you need to be good enough for."

"Sometimes the grass is greener because it's fake."

"Your future needs you. Your past doesn't."

"You don't need to be at your lowest to get help."

"Communicate even when it's uncomfortable or uneasy. One of the best ways to heal is simply getting everything out."

"When life doesn't go your way, just yell PLOT TWIST and move on"

Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255

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