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Salzburg, Austria

Monday was my roommate Marissa's birthday and for her birthday weekend she wanted to go to Austria. She asked if I wanted to go or not and that she wanted to do a Sound of Music tour there (knowing I cannot say no to that - very clever riss). So here is what happens when you ask a musical freak to go on a Sound of Music Tour(:

After another 4am wake up call to catch our flight we land in Austria and freak out over the beauty of it all while walking off the airplane. Luckily the sound of music tour was only a few hours after because we were turning into impatient children too excited to wait anymore -- at least I was. That four hour bus tour, yes FOUR HOURS, was probably the most fun I have had all semester. Our tour guide was hilarious, we sang songs, we made friends with three Irish sisters, learned fun facts -- so much fun.

Time for all the fun facts I know everyone is dying to know.


Fun fact #1 : there are two houses that were used for the von trapp house. House number 1 was solely used for the lake and the terrace for scenes like the pink lemonade scene, boat scene, and the ball game with baroness, and teaching Kurt how to dance. House number 2 was used for the exteriors - the house with the big gate out front as well as the back of the house. SO for scenes like when Maria (Julie Andrews) and The captain (Christopher Plumber) have their conversation after the boat scene - yes? remember?- when the lake is behind one of them it was filmed at one house and when a house is behind one of them it was filmed at the other house. That is dedication right there. Fun fact #2 : during the 'I have Confidence' song Julie Andrews trips when she starts running toward the house - I have always felt that was an accident and they just kept it in but never knew if it was or not. It was an accident. 10 points to Hufflepuff.

Fun Fact #3

A lot of people already knew that the boat scene was an accident that they decided to keep - I already did- but there's more. First, for those of you that have no clue what I'm talking about but are for some reason still reading, the scene where maria and all the kids fall out of the boat is what I am talking about. The plan was that the kids would all jump off the boat, maria would jump in and grab Grettle because she was 5 and couldn't really swim, but during take 1 the director thought it looked to much like they were jumping and not falling - so they had to go to make up and wardrobe and get ready to do it again. During take two (the scene that is in the movie) Julie Andrews lost her balance and fell backwards off the boat making all the kids fall forward. This meaning then that Julie Andrews couldn't get to Grettle - so in the scene you can see her go under, come up flailing her arms, then go under again. Because Greatly pretty much almost drowned, she didn't want to do the movie anymore but her parents were like too bad you have to finish it. In order to get her to finish filming the crew gave her gifts, and candy and basically anything she wanted - leading to her gaining some weight LOL. If you were wondering why Grettle is being carried over the mountain at the end of the movie...that's why! Sub-fun fact: Christopher Plumber was apparently quoted saying "i'm not carrying this fat child any further". Tea.


I was really hoping we would be able to go into the gazebo so I could reenact that scene but sadly we only got to see the outside. Fun fact #4 : There were 3 gazebos used. The one we saw was the smallest and used for the exterior only. There was a bigger one that was used for dialogue scenes. And a studio half gazebo with no top used for the dance scenes.

Fun fact #5 : Liesl kicked her leg through one of the glass windows during one of the dance bits and sprained her ankle. She had to keep doing the scene so they put an ace bandage on it, covered it with make up and she kept dancing - you cannot see the bandage on camera - try to find it. Also, the door handle is said to bring true love to anyone who touches it. Will it work? HAH.


Fun fact #6 : While the church was portrayed to be at the abbey, the interior for the wedding scene was in a church in a small village in the mountains called Mondsee. We stopped on the outside of the town to see one of the best views in Salzburg according to our tour guide, and it was breathtaking. When we got to the town, it was quiet, smelled like farm, had colorful unique buildings - I could have stayed up there for days. The inside of the church was very dark but still beautiful. I walked down the isle where Julie Andrews did (: and it was very hard to not play the wedding song off my phone. We had an hour there so we stopped and got some hot chocolate and apple strudel - my tastebuds did not complain.

(last photo is the abbey - we did not go up there. it was 300 steps)


We were about 45 minutes early for the tour so we decided to check out the gardens that were across the street. After walking around and taking photos in the dwarf garden - we found out that most of the scenes from the Do Re Mi song were filmed there. When we were taking pictures in the dwarf garden I was standing next to a statue and stared at it thinking that there was just something about it - well it was the statue all the kids hit on the head. Love how my brain recognized it but it just didn't register fully - crazy. Anyway, we went back sunday and reenacted all of the spots they did in the garden. Thankfully we found a girl who was there alone to take all of the videos and photos for us. We completely geeked out for a solid hour but it was worth it.

Fun fact #7 : Christopher Plumber did not sing during the movie at all. Even though he can sing and is classically trained. That burst a bubble for me.

Fun fact #8 : most of the other scenes (ballroom, cemetery, rooms in the house) were inspired by rooms inside both of the houses we saw as well as the abbey, but were reconstructed inside of a studio which is where they were actually filmed.

Fun fact #9: remember the scene when they get back from their honeymoon and christopher plumber pulls the nazi flag down off the house a rips it? Well he couldn't actually rip it. So they cut a tiny piece of it in the middle to help him - so in the movie you see him searching for the rip so he can rip it. Go watch that scene now, it will make you laugh.

Fun fact #10 : the puppets used in the Lonely Goatherd song were real puppets they took from the Mozart University - Mozartseum - where they have a collection of old, hand painted puppets from hundreds of years ago.


We only had a half day on sunday before catching our flight so after being nerds in the garden we went and shopped around, walked over the lock bridge, found Mozart's house, and discovered that Salzburg has AMAZING CHRISTMAS MARKETS. At the Von Trapp house (main exterior one) they were setting up for a christmas market and it was HUGE. I wanted to go so bad but it starts this Thursday of course - but we at least got to see some of the decoration. Also when we were shopping we found another christmas market being set up that was hidden behind a bunch of shops. Sooo Salzburg at Christmas anyone?

In all honesty, I loved Italy and still do, but Salzburg has been my favorite place I have ever experienced. Two days was not nearly enough time to be there, it was so hard to leave. In the mountains, the smell of farm, the colorful and architecturally beautiful buildings and little towns, the cold and crisp air - it just overwhelms you with a sense of peace and relaxation. I walked around other places like Italy and France just as amazed but was like yeah ok it's a city, people, live here, its super cool. walking through Salzburg I was like wow, people live here...this is a completely different way of life and I want it. It was incredible. I will definitely be going back if anyone wants to go.


We are already half way through our internships WHAT. Which means there are only 3.5 weeks left. I have 3 essays, a group presentation and a final exam. I am seeing at least 5 more theater shows. And am going on a solo trip to good 'ol Mr. Darcy's house(: and hopefully in between all that I can explore some christmas in London as well. Excited, stressed, and sad for the next three weeks, saying goodbye to london and everyone here is going to suck but I'm also ready for some family time and my own bed.

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