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Guide to Waffle City

Last weekend my roommates and I took our very first trip to Europe, not really realizing that it would be the first place we had gone where English isn't their primary language. So while communication was tricky at times we still survived. We found our way around. Ate food. The only trouble was our Uber that spoke no english whatsoever and we had a train to catch.

After three days in Brussels here is my "guide" or tips of what to do/not to do. I know pretty much everyone reading this most likely will not be going to Brussels, but if you do..then well here you go.


Just like most cities in Europe everything is so close to each other there is no point trying to get a taxi. The day we arrived, we had been up since 4am. We got to our airbnb around 10 and left to explore about noon. We ended up walking around for 7 hours without realizing it and we saw almost every site recommended on the inter-webs. However, all the streets are cobblestone so watch your step.


There are so many churches and the outsides are stunning yes wow. Almost every one will let you go inside for free so do it. The stained glass is gorgeous and the statues and history inside is something you can't see anywhere else. So just go to church for a little bit.


I'm not a big fan of waffles myself but it felt like a crime not to get one. Every corner of Brussels and probably the whole of Belgium smells like waffles. And to me, the smell of waffles makes me think of waffle cones so it smelled heavenly. There is a waffle shop (and chocolate shop) about every 20 feet so it should be hard to find one.


What is this one may ask? I did. WELL. It is a statue of a little boy peeing. It is probably the most famous tourist site in Brussels. Every shop will have some kind of version of it. Whether it is a chocolate statue, a mini version, a souvenir, a keychain. It's oddly famous. And in my opinion, not really worth the time. Its just a tiny statue of a boy peeing. That's it.


There are so many museums all right next to each other and they are so cheap to get into. I went to an art museum and a museum of musical instruments and in total maybe spend 13 euros. Not only are the exhibits super cool but the buildings are immaculate. Definitely worth spending and hour or so in at least one.

6. Cinquantenair

I was looking up places to see and came upon this military monument. So sunday morning before we had to leave we walked to the park that is was in to check it out. We were not expecting it to be that big at all. It was super cool. Almost nobody was around so we got a nice, quiet, rainy (by margaret's request) last adventure in Belgium.

There is soon much more stuff to do other than just this! There are palaces which are BEAUTIFUL, loads of shops and vintage stores, there was a drone competition happening while we were there, parks, lots and lots of stuff to see. Trip number one was a success.



Since it has taken me forever to upload this I thought I would update you on all other happenings going on. FIE student sickness number 2 is going around and yet again I am a victim. Crappy and exhausting but hopefully we will all be in tip top shape in no time. Just a reminder to take care of yourself amidst all the go-go-go. There are only 3 more weeks of classes before our fall break and then our internships start. HOLY CRAP. Time is going in a strange fast slow motion, it's weird and throwing me off. Also for those who do not know, my internship is at a small theatre in West End called Metta Theatre and I will be helping them plan their next national tour. Besides that I know nothing. Weather wise, still no rain except for Brussels, but FALL IS HERE. Just waiting for the leaves to change to I can walk through all the amazing parks. I have officially been here a month and I wouldn't say I'm homesick because it's amazing here (or maybe it's because I'm too busy being actually sick..) I don't get homesick very easy, obviously I miss momma and molls and the pup, but I'm definitely homesick this time--I'm Belmont sick. I miss my friends a lot more than expected, but thank god for technology right(: nevertheless I am 150% still loving it here and looking forward to the next few months, and for christmas stuff to start coming out :D

Love you all, BYEE

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