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  • Writer's picturemady

A Temporary Londoner

I have wanted to come to London for the longest time, but never actually thought it would happen. Even through the summer up to sitting on the airplane, it still did't feel real. But now that I'm yeah it still doesn't feel real. It feels like I am on a vacation and will be heading home in a week, but NOPE. I get to be in this GORGEOUS city for FOUR MONTHS.

I have been here for 5 days now and if I could only say one thing about London so far it would be this: Love at first sight is real. (I'm coming home mom I promise)

Yes, I get the opportunity to live in the wealthiest part of London, but every single nook and cranny that I have seen, whether in South Kensington or in the heart of London, has been breathtaking. It's calm. Quiet. Appreciated. Relaxed. Green. Unbelievable.

Now that I've fangirled over London, here's my life update from the past 5 days.

During the plane ride over here I was freaking out about pretty much everything. I didn't know how anything in the program was going to go or how I would adjust to the time change or where I was going. I really didn't know anything. But hey, I survived! (who would have guessed right)

After being a Londoner for 5 days, here's the scoop.

1. Crossing the street is TERRIFYING. Thank the Lord above that the corner of the road tells you which way to look before crossing, otherwise I'd be flattened by taxis.

2. Jet lag doesn't hit until about day 3. My friends at school would be so proud of me staying up past midnight. Even if it wasn't by choice. And yes I am still tired the majority of the day.

3. I have probably walked about 50 miles since being here. My feet hurt. My legs hurt. But burning calories is good right?

4. I can't tell you how the rain is here because it has been sunny and 60 degrees every day. HELLO FALL

5. Classes start monday and after the academic orientation session..can I just say I'm a little terrified. Fingers crossed they make is sound worse that in is. Or I'm making it seem worse than it is...

6. Technology is a struggle. My hair appliances are a no-go, so finding ones that do a substantial job in a decent amount of time has been unsuccessful so far. The amount of outlets here is the bare minimum, not even in the bathroom.

7. Lucky number 7 and most importantly I got blessed with the greatest 4 roommates possible. It has been 5 days and we have laughed, cried, struggled, and had a blast. I love them already.

While it's hard to have a routine and feel fully adjusted at this point, I am excited to start classes, meet more people, travel, and of course keep y'all updated. (yes I said y'all, I've gotta represent Belmont somehow)


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