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A few things to Brighton your day


Almost through 2 weeks of classes and I am far. but since we have a little more free time than usual right now my roomies and I have been doing a little exploring around London so I thought I'd share some of my favorite spots we have gone to so far with y'all.


I have wanted to go to Brighton for sooooo long and it is amazing. The stone beach is so relaxing I just wanted to sit there all day. We got there at like 9am so no one was out, it was quiet and crisp air. (until the sun came out and we all started sweating) The Lanes are filled with vintage shops, I'm surprised I didn't leave with a 50's style dress, and SO MANY PEOPLE that came out of nowhere.

Definitely want to go back to explore the rest of the town more and see the pier at night. I also want to live there(:


Last weekend we went to Borough Market and Camden Market mainly for food, and trust me there was food. These markets were HUGE and there were so many people, but probably the coolest markets I have been to. Also, I found an Audrey Hepburn wall at Camden and it made my day so what else is there to say. (I'm still craving the pizza from Borough Market--holy crap. DELICIOUS)


Back to being a cliche tourist. Very similar to the Navy Pier ferris wheel, but we had sun and friends and beautiful buildings to look at. And the majority of the time was spent thinking of puns about the London Eye. For example, 'London Eye see you', 'eyeconic', 'The ferris of them all' (I stole that one from a friend but you get the gist)


I know all of you probably think I went to Notting Hill to fulfill my movie obsession, and yes you are correct. I will be doing that. Just later. BUT we did come for about .5 seconds and it's already gorgeous. I understand why Hugh Grant chose to live there. We walked up a hill. Took some pictures. Then left before Margaret, our fabulous roommate, killed us for going without her. I am going to find that travel book shop soon though don't worry.

Weather update: Still no rain besides few sprinkles. Still waiting for the leaves to change.

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